Showing posts with label Hydra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hydra. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 January 2016

The Hydra

I have finished painting the Hydra which, as in the Ray Harryhausen Jason and the Argonauts, guards the Golden Fleece.  This Wargames Foundry model is very much based on the one from the film.  The model comes in several parts for the body, plus separate heads but did need a bit of filling on the joins.  In the different versions of the legends the fleece was guarded by a dragon or serpent that never slept and whose teeth, when sown, would turn into warriors.

In the original Greek myths the Hydra lurked in Lake Lerna, the entrance to the underworld.  The number of heads it had varied from account to account and, later, a regeneration aspect was added so that if one head was cut off two would grow back.  In the end Heracles was sent to kill it as his second labour and succeeded by cutting off the heads and cauterising the stump, preventing head re-growth.  So it can do double duty as part of the Labours of Heracles.

Monday, 25 May 2015

The Hydra Part 1

I have decided to get on with the Hydra, which will guard the Golden Fleece for the Argonauts project, which has just been given a boost with the interest of a fellow wargamer suggesting a joint project.  I undercoated it today and then had to find a suitable colour for its body.  I had a look at stills from Jason and the Argonauts (1963) as it is clear that the Wargames Foundry model is based on the Ray Harryhausen creation.

Having had a rummage through my paint boxes I discovered a paint that would be just the job: Humbrol 157, Azure Blue. I also use this colour quite a bit for blue clothing on Dark Ages and ancients figures when a muted blue is useful.  Next I need to find a colour for the front of the creature,  It's going to be quite fiddly to paint as I decided to assemble it first (well over a dozen pieces),