Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Salute 2013

It had sort of passed me by that this year's Salute is going to have a Jason and the Argonauts theme, although, in reality, that just means that the South London Warlords will be running a themed game.  Nevertheless, they will have the author of the new Osprey, Neil Smith, on their stand.

I notice that they seem to have changed the cover for the book since I first noted it here.  I think I preferred the original, however, of the Argo.  The artist for the book, however, is the very talented young Spanish painter Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña and it will be interesting to see what he brings to the Bronze Age World.

His almost Frazettaesque illustration for the cover of Jason and the Argonauts gives us a a properly archaic Jason and an enticing Medea.  His dark ages and medieval work is simply excellent so I am hopeful that the illustrations could be very fine indeed.

Battle of Assandun 1016

Osprey have now listed the contents of Jason which look interesting:

The Man with One Sandal
Narrative: Jason and his Mission
Sources for Jason
Greek Mythology: Its purpose and relevance
The Gods: Who were they and what did they do?
The Voyage Out
Preparations: Greek Ships and Jason’s Crew
Narrative: Lemnos
Narrative: The Doliones: “real” fighting, Greek arms and armour
Narrative: The Harpies
Narrative: Clashing Rocks Colchis
Narrative: Jason’s 3 Tasks & the Golden Fleece
Jason & Medea
The Voyage Back
Narrative: Sirens
Narrative: Talos
Narrative: Jason’s Arrival
Jason’s Demise
Narrative: Jason’s Betrayal: Euripides’ Medea
Jason’s Legacy
Jason in Books & Movies

I just need to get some more Argonauts done!

Friday, 5 October 2012

A new book on Jason and the Argonauts...from Osprey!

I haven’t forgotten about Jason and the Argonauts and, indeed, only this week I bought the magnificent book: Ray Harryhausen  Master of the Majicks Volume 3: The British Films on special offer (reduced from £200 to a comparatively bargain £125). The book, which is one of the most beautiful I have ever bought, has a long (nearly sixty large format pages) chapter inside on the making of the Jason and the Argonauts film which is full of useful picture reference. 

The pages are too large for my scanner!

Volume 2 featured his earlier, American,  mainly SF, films and is now selling for up to $1200 a copy so £125 doesn’t seem too bad for a book with such spectacular pictures. Apparently when Harryhausen was shown the book even he hadn’t seen many of the behind the scenes photos. 

More Jason news is that Osprey, of all people, are launching a range of books looking at myths and legends and the first one, due out in March 2013, is on Jason and the Argonauts.  From the point of view of this blog another one in the series will look at Hercules.  The other four titles announced will be on dragonslayers, King Arthur, the war of Horus and Set and Thor.  

I am painting a 24 figure unit of Prussians at present and am looking for a small unit to paint before my next big one, so something relating to the Argonauts could well be on the cards, as I have a number of figures under way.  It’s probably a toss-up between some more Argonauts and some Amazons. 

Saturday, 18 February 2012

A word about sources...

The advantages of  a fantasy wargame setting are that no historical research is, of course, needed.  The tale of Jason, however, shares with more recent fantasy stories like the Lord of the Rings, a literary source and, of course, cinematic interpretations.  Where the Argonauts story is different is that there are different versions of the story which do not necessarily share the same elements.  This is because the ultimate source of the legend of the Golden Fleece is based on an older oral tradition not one definitive text.  It is also likely, over time that some of the leements of the Argonauts quest have been brought in from other, either earlier or later stories.  

In his fascinating look at the history of eighth century Greek sailors' voyages around the Mediterranean, Travelling Heroes, Robin Lane Fox reports that Homer included in his Odyssey elements that other authors attribute to the voyage of Jason (which as Homer said, was an old story at the time he was writing).  The two great trans-Mediterranean quest myths of Ancient Greece may well have been elided in places, therefore.  For this reason I feel quite happy in having my Argonauts come across the great Cyclops, Polyphemus.

So, in the case of the Quest for the Golden fleece we can pick and choose any of those elements that take our fancy.  Research is needed (and is a large part of what I find interesting about wargaming anyway) but the research just leads to a series of options not a set path.

The sources I am going to use for my quest are a mixture of old and new, not just in their origin, but in my knowledge of them.

The main source for the story is, of course, the Argonautika of Appolonius of Rhodes, who wrote his story in the third century BC, well after Homer.  It is a dense and difficult poem in the original Greek (it is the only extant example of Greek epic poetry that survives from the time between Homer and late antiquity) and prose translations inevitably miss much of the context of the original.  My Ancient Greek is even more limited than my Latin (which used to be better than it now is) so we will stick to the fine translation by Richard Hunter published in 1993.  Both Catullus and Virgil were influenced by the Argonautika and, given the comments about the Odyssey above, sections of the Aeneid show clear parallels with the earlier work: for example the characters of Dido and Medea.

Outside childrens' literature, not nearly as many adaptions of the story of Jason have been made as that of the Trojan War.  The very best of these is Robert Graves' 1943 novel The Golden Fleece (sometimes known as Hercules, My Shipmate in the US).  Graves treats the voyage of Jason as if it were a true piece of history, like the siege of Troy.  His approach has several singular elements that make it controversial but don't damage it as a fine re-telling of the story.  His is an early Greece on the crux of the change from the Bronze to the Iron Age.  It should be remembered that the entirely artificial delineation of ancient history into stone, bronze and iron ages is comparatively recent.  It is not something that Greek, Roman or even Renaissance scholars would have understood.  The classification was invented by Christian Thomsen in 1816 when he set to work cataloguing pre-historic relics for the planned Danish National Museum which opened in 1819 and, for the first time, divided up historical artefacts into those three periods.

We will return to Graves' novel another time but it posits a Greece where the bronze age original inhabitants have been conquered by iron-equipped invaders from the north who gradually replace the locals' triple goddess matriarchal pantheon with one headed up by a male god, Zeus.  The gods are ever present in the novel as motivators and causes of incidents but, critically, they only exist in the minds of men; which doesn't diminish their effect on the action, however.  Creatures such as Centaurs are just men who have domesticated horses for riding and nymphs are ordinary women who reject marriage in favour of free love tribes (there is quite a lot of free love in Graves' ancient Greece).  In fact, tribal and religious affiliation, often in the form of animal totems are important in this society.  The major criticisms of Graves' approach from historians is that he puts forward these ideas as historical fact, rather than just an interpretation of how the myths could have been explained by the more mundane (such as the centaurs).

My third "literary" source is the fine cartoon strip which appeared in Look & Learn magazine in early 1970. Illustrated in spare but elegant style by Franco Caprioli it featured pretty authentic bronze age dress, an excellent rendering of the Argo and seductive nymphs (for a childrens' magazine).

The Jason Voyage by Tim Severin (whose Viking novels I really enoyed) describes his attempt to recreate the Argo and then track the Argonaut's course through the Mediterranean and beyond.

The quest for the Golden Fleece is just one of four myths dealt with in this book but it is an interesting look at the peoples of the regions Jason and his crew would have visited and provides an explanation for some parts of the myth.

Last, but by no means least, are the two screen versions of the legend.  Firstly, of course is Don Chaffey's (who later went on to direct One Million Years BC) Jason and the Argonauts (1963) which I first saw on my uncle's colour TV in the late sixties or early seventies one Christmas (I think).  Ray Harryhausen's skeleton fight remains one of the best remembered action sequences from any fantasy film, quite rightly.  Filmed in Southern Italy rather than Greece, due to the better technical back up from the Italian film industry, it still feels gorgeously sunny and authentic.  Some of the acting is wooden but a (dubbed) Nancy Kovack flashes fire and (also dubbed) Todd Armstrong looks appropriately heroic, if too old for Jason.  A pre-Goldfinger Honor Blackman as Hera steals every scene.

Last, but by no means least, is the Hallmark Entertainment version of Jason and the Argonauts (2000).  Not nearly as bad as many reviewers make out, it has some great neo-Bronze Age production design.  It misses some elements of the story appearing in the Harryhausen production (such as Talos) but includes others (such as Hypsipyle and the women of Lemnos).

Anyway, these are quite enough alternative versions to generate some scenarios!  Now I need to get some more  figures painted!